Home & Business
Energy Clearing & Cleansing Reset
An Energy Clearing & Cleansing Reset with Kathleen Kinesiology, is designed to rebalance & reset the energy in either your home, business or place of work.
It's an "Energy Spring Clean", for your home, workplace or business, clearing & cleansing out the old heavy dense stuck heavy energy, to make way, to invite the fresh, vibrant, abundant & new.
By creating & setting an intention, of how of you want to feel moving forward, sets the tone for what you would like to attract into your life.
Are you ready to create a positive change in your home or workplace and go from just existing to thriving in life?
why book your business, workplace or home in for an energy clearing & cleansing reset
the process & what
is involved
investment & what's included
how to book your energy clearing & cleansing reset
To create a harmonious environment in your everyday home living space, business or place of work.
To clear any heavy, stuck negative energy or chaotic energy in these places.
To create a sense of flow & peace in your environment ~ home living space, business or place of work.
To reset the energy in your environment after ~ loss of loved one, moving home, stress, upheaval, transition in a business/workplace.
To feel at peace and flow, knowing that your environment in which you live or work in, is in harmony with your intention & goal of how you want to feel & be.
To balance the energy & flow, of the people who occupy the space & environment in which you live or work with. ​
To start the Energy Clearing & Cleansing Reset, you will receive a Kinesiology Chakra Balance session with Kathleen. The reason for doing this, is to rebalance and clear your own energy & any of the blocks or limiting beliefs that you may be projecting onto either your business, workplace or home environment. It's all about clearing & balancing your energy, starting with a "balanced & clear" energy.
Kathleen will work with you, your staff/colleagues or family, to set an intention or goal. This intention or goal, creates a focus of how you would like to see or envision, a feeling of how you would like your business, workplace or home environment to feel, moving forward.
Kathleen will use different remedies to cleanse, clear and reset the energy in your business, workplace or home environment. Kathleen will also incorporate a Reiki Healing Treatment, an ancient Japanese energy healing, to bless your place of business, workplace or home environment. Kathleen uses remedies and tools such as ~ incense, Palo Santo, Sound Healing Therapy, and an Space Clearing Essential Oil spray to support the Energy Clearing & Cleansing Reset.
Initial call to discuss service and outline of services and what the session involves
Energy Clearing & Cleansing Reset and Kinesiology Chakra Balance Session will take approximately one and half to two hours
All tools & remedies ~ incense, Palo Santo, Sound Healing Therapy, Space Clearing Essential Oil spray, Reiki Treatment, Kinesiology session
Take home "Support Energy Clearing & Cleansing Kit", for Client.
Includes travel time & costs
Investment $345
Days that are available by appointment only are: Mon-Thurs & Saturdays.
To enquire or to book in for either your business, place of work, or home in for an Energy Clearing & Cleansing Reset, you can contact Kathleen here.